Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Martin the Marvel

If you haven't met Martin Morante.....you should.  He's our current "artist in residence", i.e., he is displaying a collection of his acrylics upstairs at the shop.  The show is called, "Lighthouses, Boats, Harbors, and some other whims.  Our upper loft seating area feels watery and sophisticated with Martin's paintings on the wall.  I'd encourage you to come in and see for yourself!

Martin's craft is not limited to acrylics.  This guy is wildly fascinating and talented in all things visual, he's also jam packed with culture.  Martin hails from Urguay.  In my book, being from another country automatically makes you highly intriquing, just based on the fact that you come from a land that I've no experience with.  AND here's the best part, Martin's interest quotient doesn't end there.  His personal pursuits and approaches to art and knowledge have breath and deapth. 

It's a real treat having Martin's art at the shop.  In addition to a cool set of art on our walls, we get to hang out with the artist on occasion.  And it's always great conversation and storytelling.  Stop by, have a cup of coffee and maybe you'll have the chance to chat with an interesting community member.  Hopefully you'll bump into this gem somewhere in the world.   

Be Well.  Take Good Care.  Drink Good Coffee. Much Love.  Nichole.

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