You know the moment just before the sun bursts over the horizion at sunrise? Or the time when a flower is on the brink of blooming and showing all it has to offer? These are great metaphors for the place that our community is quickly approaching. There's a buzz in our town and it's not just because of the tasty coffee we serve. It's a mounting sort of energy that can be felt in the downtown district on most days. It's a hum.....a frequency that's changing. As a local business, we are sensitive to these changes and beyond excited for growth!
We're all a part of this movement. It's the culmination of many efforts....past and present. It's our village working together to foster a healthy, historical downtown district. You know the African Proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child." Well, it takes many individuals working together to create a community. This folks is what's happening. It's manifesting pretty quickly and dang, it's awesome to be a part of.
Here comes the gratitude.....we, as a cafe, are proud to be a part of this community. We feel lucky to serve Port Washington and it's visitors. In an effort to keep doing this, we know it's important to support our neighbors. So friends, lets keep moving forward, making connetions and building our community. Cheers to forward motions. Many thanks to each and everyone of you, for what you do. Lets keep solving this puzzle together.
Be Well. Take Good Care. Drink Good Coffee.
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