Monday, October 28, 2013

My Grandpa...a modern marvel.

My Grandpa is wonderful.  He's one of my favorite people that I've yet to meet on this planet. There are many reasons he's one of my favorites.  Here's a reason we can all appreciate this guy; he does our laundry.....the coffee shop's laundry that is.  He's our very own launderer.  Here he is photographed holding up a bag of the finished product.  Job well done grandpa!

Another explanation for his great-ness?  Friendliness.  He genuinely cares about his neighbors, figuratively and literally.  If you ever see this guy, give him a little nudge and say hello.  You're likely to get a hug in return. 

This man will turn 94 in December.  He lives alone.  Drives himself to church most mornings.  Bakes cookies and bread for those lucky enough to win his approval.  I think it's magnificent.  A small miracle.  I feel like I hit the Grandpa jackpot. 

Be Well.  Take Good Care.  Drink Good Coffee.