Paul is a lot of things, but a few of those things which he's shared with me are: he's also a long term employee of Beans and Barley in Milwaukee. Paul LOVES music and is familiar with some obscure bands. He's also a drummer, so his love of music is wide. I also know that Paul likes to ride an lately, he's started crafting long boards. As in, skate boards. Pretty neat guy, huh?
Tessa too is interesting in her own right. This girl is also really comical. Upon first meeting I took her to be shy and introverted, but that impression was quite inaccurate. Tessa is silly and REALLY funny. She's also a student at the college in Sheboygan. I believe she's studying numbers of some variety. Much like her father, who is the coffee shop's CPA.
So, summer, here we come. Ready or not? We hope the season strikes soon because we're preparing for a good and busy warm season at our little café.
Be Good. Drink Good Coffee. Take Good Care!
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