Monday, April 15, 2013

Our Hours of Operation are a changin': More is better.

Methinks it's spring.  This means we'll expand our hours of open-ness in hopes of providing you with a place to drink coffee for more hours of the day.  Do you dig?  It's going to happen at the end of this month on Monday, April 29th.

We're gonna try something new and open 1/2 an hour later, which means Monday through Friday, our doors will open at 6:30 A.M.  On Saturday and Sunday we'll start servin' at 7:30.  This little shift is an  experiment, PLEASE give feedback if it disturbs you're flow.  However, it is our response to a lack of business before our new open times.  Again, we're always open to knowing your thoughts.

On the alternative end of the spectrum we'll be closing later.  Monday through Friday we'll keep the doors open 'til 6.  We're also in the beginning phases of some possible Friday night Concerts.  Stay tuned.  On the weekend, we'll be here until 4 p.m.  It's exciting to imagine summer time around the coffee shop.  Hot, muggy days, sipping iced coffee, watching passerbys from a cozy table outside.  I know, I can't wait.  How's about yourself? 


  1. I can't wait!! I would LOVE if you would stay open 'til 9pm on Friday nights and we'd have a great community place to hang out that isn't a bar. Open Mikes and concerts - yes, please! Maybe even a Friday night snack food that is not bakery...veggie and hummus plates? Think on it. Love you guys:)

    Mary of the Boyles

  2. Um....I guess that would actually be open mics:) Davey would know.
