Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Do you know about PortFish?

PortFish is a non-profit organization in our town that propels many projects including our Winter Farmer's Market, a food data base and an aguaponics facility.  This facility is in Knellsville which is pretty much the most Dr. Suess sounding location I've ever heard.  It makes me wanna visit the quaint green-house which is nestled on the north side of town (near Neislett's).  You too may wish to visit and learn.  Pat Wilborn is the founder of this project and he's wildly open and excited to share what he's doing and what he knows. 

Tasty greens grown at PortFish.
So, here is part of what PortFish does.  Pat and his intern, Michael are growing food using aquaponics.  Aquaponics is a complicated process, but the fundamental idea is to raise plants AND fish in a symbiotic fashion.  Bacteria is another key player in this operation, but this is where it gets complicated.  If you're intersted, please ask Pat or Michael!  This project is SO wonderful, fascinating AND delicious. 

We're excited to see this organization grow in our community.  We're also proud to utilize some of the food they're growing.  If you order a sandwich in our shop, you'll be delighted to know and taste greens that were grown by these folks using aquaponics.  If you like what you taste and know, learn more, get involved, and eat their food.  Please learn more by visiting their website: http://portfish.org/.

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