Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello New Peeps! Good-Bye Old Friends!

Our staff is experiencing a little bit of a shift at the moment.  It's a seasonal shift; as summer wanes and autumn emerges, we too, will rearrange.  In the last blog, you met Terry.  (Hopefully, you've met her in real-life by now!)  There's another newbie, her name is Courtney.  Stay tuned for an upcoming blog about her.  These are the new additions to the team.  I'm looking forward to working with new people, but alternately, it's always sad to see old friends go.

There will be some modifications or rearrangements to the times and amount of time people are here. Loren is reducing her hours (slightly) on account of a new job.  She is one hard-working woman, let me tell you.  Then there's Little Miss Kelly Kiefer.  She's full-time food grower at present, but hopefully, she'll have more of a presence once the cold weather arrives.

Lastly, we'll bid adieu to Caravaughn.  She moved to Milwaukee this month, and she will likely score a job making coffee closer to home.  Cara has been lovely to have on the staff.  Adding elements of funk, literacy, and sophistication to our tribe.  She's transitioning out, so over the next month, be sure to wish her well on new journey.  Happy Trails Caravaughn.  It's been good to have you.  Thanks for all your contributions at the café.



  1. I enjoy reading your posts and though never having visited JDC, I hope to do so in 2014.

    Ivan White
    Las Cruces, New Mexico

    1. Hey Ivan! Thanks for reading. I'm glad to know that someone is out there and interested. Be well. Nichole
